Christmas tree - fir, pine or spruce?

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  • Christmas tree - fir, pine or spruce?
08 Dec

Christmas tree - fir, pine or spruce?

Christmas is coming. Soon it will be time to look for a conifer tree to decorate for the Christmas and New Year holidays. But do we know the types of conifers that are sold in the market? Usually small firs, pines or spruces are on offer. There are signs by which we can distinguish them and Bojana Ribarova - curator at the Natural History Exposition of the Regional Historical Museum - Burgas will introduce you to some of them in the upcoming presentation "The Christmas tree - fir, pine or spruce?", as part of the educational program "Get to know Burgas and the Burgas region".
In addition to the differences between the conifers listed, you will learn what types of conifers are naturally distributed in Bulgaria, as well as some of their features.
Come on December 12, 2023 (Tuesday) at 5:30 pm to the Ethnographic Exposition on ul. "Slavyanska" 69.



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