Black sea species - dogfish, blenny, weever

Black sea species - dogfish, blenny, weever

Do you know there are such fish species?

Spiny dogfish (4)
This is the name of the Black Sea spiny shark. It, unlike its other oceanic relatives, is not dangerous to humans. It feeds on small fish but grows very slowly. It is one of the few fish that "gives birth" to its young - the eggs hatch in the mother's body. A valuable fish that is increasingly endangered due to overfishing and its slow development and recovery.

Zvonimir's blenny (5)
These are several species of fish with bizarre shapes and colours, living close to the shore among the rocks and rocks on the bottom. Some of the species of blennies have even more whimsical names - sea peacock, butterfly fish, sphinx, ringed. They have no economic importance for humans, but are an important part of the marine ecosystem.

Greater weever (6)
The greater weever is the most poisonous fish in the Black Sea. At the base of the first fin on its back is a three-lobed spine with venom glands, as on the gill covers. Its venom is not lethal, but causes severe pain after a sting. The greater weever inhabits the shallows and buries its body in the sand, with only the eyes protruding outwards. This is how it stalks its prey - fish, clams, worms, etc. Very similar to the goby.